B2B and B2C Market Research Company | SAMI samarketinsights.com


About half of the research SA Market Insights conducts is for B2B companies, finding specific targets of decision makers, users, or prospects for a particular industry and offering. The sample itself is the most critical part of any B2B research and we go to great lengths to ensure a high-quality, reliable sample for every one of our B2B studies.

We have conducted thousands of B2B research projects across a wide range of industries spanning from early-phase planning all the way through post-launch assessment. Our experience in this space means we can leverage all of our knowledge of the space and apply it to your business questions. This streamlines the process and ensures that the research delivers exactly what you need for your business.

Common Research Topics Addressed for B2B Companies

B2B research is unique depending on the vertical and the offering, but leveraging learnings from one industry to another can support the design of a solid research plan. Some of the industry verticals where we have conducted B2B research include the following:

B2B Industry Expertise

Discrete Manufacturing

Process Manufacturing

Food & Beverage


IT Services

Video Solutions

Advertising, Marketing and CRM



Electronic Devices

Retailers and Wholesalers

Government and Public Sector

Professional Services


Property Management

Oil & Gas






Life Sciences

Buildings, Infrastructure, Smart Cities


Public Safety, Private Security


The most successful B2B companies follow a clear and ongoing process for conducting research. This ensures they stay on top of shifting market needs and opportunities and their competitive brand position, as well as optimize their offerings to ensure alignment with business goals. But our experience indicates that the most profitable and high-growth companies are regularly assessing their markets to measure progress and identify new opportunities. Two key areas of research are particularly valuable.

Let’s Talk

Whatever your business research needs, we would love to hear about them, and share our thoughts on approach.

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